Environmental protection
At Sesta we understand that a responsible economic strategy embracing also the environmental impact of our business activities is an essential ingredient of our own success and that of our customers.
We also know that continual improvement of our quality and environmental performance produces appreciable commercial and economic benefits by simultaneously meeting product and work safety prescriptions and our environmental improvement targets in relation to the geographical areas in which the Company operates.
Company Management is therefore committed to continual improvement of all Company processes, minimizing also any negative environmental impacts of our operations wherever technically possible and economically sustainable.
These objectives are achieved through the following actions:

These objectives are achieved through the following actions:
- Ensuring the business is conducted in compliance with statutory legal provisions in terms of quality, safety and the environment;
- Putting in place and maintaining a working Environmental Management System in compliance with the prescriptions of UNI EN ISO 14001, incorporating it into the company's ISO 9001 compliant Quality Management System;
- Providing the maximum levels of product quality and safety at the correct quality/price ratio;
- Making all reasonable efforts in organizational, operational and technological terms to prevent pollution of the water, the air and the soil;
- Systematically monitoring performance indicators of all our processes, pursuing the satisfaction of customers and stakeholders alike;
- Systematically monitoring performance indicators of all our processes, pursuing the satisfaction of customers and stakeholders alike;
- Defining the environmental objectives and milestones to be incorporated in the Company's operating activities and development programs;
- Define environmental objectives and targets to be integrated with the operational management of the Company and development programs
- Making sure this policy and the associated management system are understood, implemented and maintained throughout all levels of the organization and that the system is supported by periodic and systematic training sessions and on-the-job coaching.
- Make sure this document is available to all personnel and interested parties