Chairs & Armchairs for Office and Community

"Implementation of article 1 of law dated 3 August 2007, n. 123, in matter of protection of health and safety in workplaces"

April 30, 2008 - Gazzetta Ufficiale No 101 - Published the final text of the Legislative Decree dated 09/04/2008 n. 81 (D.Lgs. 81-08).

This decree bases its foundations on the dispositions laid down by the abrogated Legislative Decree 626/94, its aim is the reorganization and reform of existing norms in matter of health and safety of workers in workplaces through their reorganization and coordination into a single prescriptive text.

We find the norms to be applied to working activities involving the use of video display terminals.

To better define the Decree application field (art. 173) have been redefined the “figures” in a working environment with a video display terminal:

A – video display terminal: an alphanumeric or graphic display screen regardless of the display process employed;

B – workplace: an assembly including video display terminals, possibly with a keyboard or other input device, including the mouse, the man-machine interface software, optional accessories, related equipments, including the disk units, telephone, modem, printer, document holder, chair, the working surface and the work environment immediately surrounding.

C – worker: any worker using video display terminals, systematically or regularly, for twenty hours a week, less the breaks.

Another key passage can be found in the next step (art.174) employer’s obligations:

“The employer organizes and provides workplaces in article 173, in accordance with the minimum requirements set out in Annex XXXIV”.

Further summarizing the two articles we conclude that concerning the furniture of a workplace with video display terminals the chair and the desk are part of the working equipment and as such, in order to minimize the risk source, must meet the minimum requirements. Identified in Annex XXXIV Form D – Working surfaces and E – Working chairs

D – The working surface must have a low reflectance surface, be stable, large enough to allow a flexible arrangement of the screen …

E – The office chair must be stable and allow free movements to the user and a comfortable position. The seat height must be… Il sedile deve avere altezza …

The new Decree minimum security requirements for the seats and desks have not changed significantly compared to what was previously requested by the D.Lgs. 626 of ’94.

From here, for the issue of conformity certificates to the new Legislative Decree, nothing has changed, so the referenced standards supporting the minimum requirements of Annex XXXIV are still the same, those currently in force.

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